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WFTU Statement on the Occasion of the 13th African Regional Meeting in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

“WFTU and workers in Africa fight side by side”

The World Federation of Trade Unions expresses its solidarity to the struggle of the workers and the people of the African Continent.
Since its foundation in 1945 and up to today 70 years later, the WFTU has been struggling shoulder to shoulder with the working class and the people of Africa against slavery, colonialism, racism for national independence, imperialism and has contributed greatly to the organization of workers and the creation of trade unions, the empowerment and the strengthening of their ideological, organizational and militant level.
During the last decade, the important activity of the WFTU in Africa which is continuously enriched, the affiliation of new members from the African counties to the WFTU and the important initiatives that have been taken by the WFTU for the enhancement of the internationalist solidarity with the struggles of the workers in Africa show how much the World Federation of Trade Unions prioritizes the most hurt and plundered continent of the world, the continent which is the richest in natural resources with the poorest and most suffering workers.

The wealth of Africa belongs to its people and working class

Africa is rich in wealth-producing resources. 85% of the African production of oil comes from Nigeria, Libya, Algeria, Egypt, Angola. In Africa there is Uranium, Natural Gas, Diamonds, Gold, Petroleum, Cobalt, Iron, Platinum, Agricultural Production etc. These resources should be able to cover the vital needs in infrastructure, in telecommunication, in transportation, in energy, access to water, electricity, social services, healthcare etc. The lack of which torment the workers in Africa. Stable work, good wages, social security, better working hours, social security, healthcare and social services, safe houses and safe workplaces could be implemented in practice if only the raw materials and the agricultural production where not looted by the monopolies and the local capitalists but where controlled and used by the people of Africa.
The World Federation of Trade Unions calls in common action against Unemployment, for the respect of Collective Bargaining, of the Trade Union Rights and the Right to strike, Contemporary Workers Rights, Better wages that can cover the needs of the modern family, public social services and utilities, public and free Healthcare and Education.
The WFTU calls in common action against the monopolies for the lives we deserve, for the satisfaction of the modern needs of the workers and the people of Africa.
The WFTU strongly believes in the dynamics that the class-oriented trade union movement in Africa can develop in order to confront the acute labour problems of the workers in Africa, to utilize the wealth-producing resources and the production exclusively for the benefit of the people of Africa and not for the profits of the international monopolies and the local bourgeoisie. The class-oriented trade union movement in Africa can develop such characteristics that will make it capable and strong to lead effectively the workers movement, to transform the rage and frustration of the people into victorious struggles based on the interest of the workers and their social allies. The WFTU puts all its efforts and power into this.
The WFTU and its members in Africa and internationally struggle to build strong class-oriented, democratic trade unions against reformism and corruption. We build a strong workers trade union movement in alliance with the poor peasants, the self-employed, the youth. WFTU builds international solidarity and common struggle of the international working class per sector, per region and internationally.
For all these historic and contemporary reasons, the Presidential Council of the WFTU has decided that the 17th World Trade Union Congress will be hosted by COSATU and its affiliates in October 2016 in South Africa.

WFTU struggles for the contemporary workers rights against imperialism and capitalist barbarity

The developments in Nigeria, Niger, Chad, Mali, Egypt, Libya, Sudan, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Somalia as well as in Middle East, in Syria, the threats against Iran etc. unfortunately prove that the imperialist forces are ruthless.
No people are safe, as long as the imperialist aggressiveness intensifies. These wars are taking place for the oil, the gas, the uranium, the gold etc. and have no relation with the excuses about “wars for democracy”, “war against terrorism”, “war against nuclear threat” etc. If the enemy does not exist, he is manufactured.
The WFTU denounces the terrorist organizations and the acts of terrorism. These groups were created, trained and equipped by the imperialist forces. Their activity is aiming to destabilize the countries of Africa and the Middle East, to prepare the ground for the intervention of the imperialist powers in the internal affairs of the countries.
The action against the monopolies and imperialist is crucial in this direction. The global capitalism, especially in the European Union and the USA is continuously drowning in the international capitalist crisis dealing with its own contradictions. As this life and death competition of the big monopolies intensifies, they look for new resources for energy, minerals, other resources and compete for the control of regions and territories. Fostering terrorism, internal conflicts and civil wars they want to persevere, bring chaos and control the economies and the governments of the countries.
The WFTU calls in joint action against the imperialist aggressiveness. Each people has the right to choose his present and future without foreign intervention.


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