07 Sep 2015
NEHAWU held a solidarity international seminar on Friday 4 September 2015 on the subject: “Greece, the capitalist crisis and the role of the class oriented trade union movement”.
Guest speakers from Greece on Skype-Call, Nikolas Theodorakis, the International Secretariat Head of PAME and Comrade Fotini Sotiriadou, from the Youth Committee of PAME informed the participants about the economican and political developments in Greece and the objectives of the organizing of the struggle by PAME and the class-oriented trade unions. Representatives of NEHAWU, SACP and WFTU greeted the seminar.
It was attended by many organisations including COSATU affiliates and members of the tripartite alliance the ANC, SACP and COSATU. The South African Organizations express their deepest solidarity on these initiatives led by the Executive Secretariat of PAME.
During the seminar the need prevailed the further strengthening of WFTU, which this year celebrates its 70th Anniversary as well as gearing up for the organizing of the 17th World Trade Union Congress in Johannesburg, South Africa.
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