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#Turkey: WFTU participates in Congress of Sosyal-Is

WFTU adressed the opening Ceremony of the succesful Congress of Sosyal-Is, a militant and class-oriented union of the working class of Turkey organized in the sectors of commerce, education, offices and fine arts. The Congress which took place in Ankara on 9-10 January 2016 concluded with singificant debate and resolutions to empower Sosyal-Is and its internationalist role in favor of the working class of Turkey, Europe and international.
WFTU Representative, Alexandra Liberi underlined in her greeting speech that: “Under the modern conditions, the working class needs a stronger, more dynamic, more mass, more class-oriented trade union movement to defend its rights and demand the satisfaction of its contemporary needs against poverty and wars generated by Capitalism. With all forms of struggle, we must become stronger, organize in the workplace, organize more workers in the trade unions, empower the working class and inspire more effective struggles to demand dignified salaries and working-hours, respect of the Collective Bargaining Agreements, public and free social security for all, Retirement Age at 60 for men and 55 for women, public and free Education and Healthcare for all, Public and affordable social services, Affordable and Safe Housing for all etc.
This is the fight that WFTU fights. This is the call we make. WFTU calls the international working class to make steps “Forward”! WFTU calls the international class oriented trade union movement to unite in fraternity, to know its enemies and friends, to fight militantly and fiercefully to open new roads for the satisfaction of the workers’ rights.”


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