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Nakliyat-İş, #Turkey: Despite the emergency state, police pressure, stonewalls, our union made “Minimum Wage don’t be a Wage of Poverty” protest in Gebze

We protest those who determine Minimum Wage as “wage of poverty”

After Konya, Eskişehir, Istanbul Storehouses, “Minimum Wage don’t be a Wage of Poverty” protest was made by affiliate of our union.
All democratic actions, press briefings, opening stands, sit down strikes, even conferences were banned by Governorship of Gebze, Kocaeli.
Our union has notified the governorship of Gebze for press release. However, the District Governorship said that it was forbidden to make any protest until 31 December 2016.

We stated that it was an unlawful, arbitrary decision. We announced that we would make the protest with our members and other union directors in front of the Union Branch in Gebze.
Union building and surrounding streets were blockaded by riot control vehicle, 3 riot police buses and a large number of civilian police vehicles.
Members of Gebze Unions Association, Petrol-İş, Birleşik Metal-İş, Lastik-İş, Emekli-Sen, Türkiye Emekliler Derneği came to support us and join protest.
Erdal Kopal, Chairman of the Organizing Department and Gebze Branch of Nakliyat-İş stated that they wouldn’t accept this illegality, arbitrariness.
And they wanted to make a statement with only the union representatives in front of the branch but the Gebze Police Chiefs and other officials prevented this. This attitude of the police forces was protested. A press conference was decided to be held inside the building.
The press release was made by Erdal Kopal, Head of Organization Department and Gebze Branch. Erdal Kopal started the press release by protesting the arbitrary and unjust manner of the Kocaeli Governor. He stated that the minimum wage, which was announced at the time of the press statement as 1.404 TL, couldn’t be accepted and he also protested to the people who made this decision.Then, he read the press release titled “Minimum Wage shouldn’t be a Wage of Poverty”.


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