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WFTU extends solidarity to the Dick Smith Employees

The World Federation of Trade Unions representing 92 million workers in 126 countries extends its solidarity to the employees in Dick Smith, Company of Electronics Stores in Australia and New Zealand which is closing down.
The announced closure of the Company will result to the dismissal of about 3,000 employees.

The WFTU defends the right to work of all, a right which is violated because of the capitalist mode of production and the state policy.
The ruthless competition between the multinationals and corporations, the international capitalist crisis and its impact, the companies’ strategies and financial plans lead to millions of profit for the few and poverty and hardships for the many.
Meanwhile, endless contemporary and basic needs of the masses, the attainment of which would require enormous utilization of workforce to improve quality of live, remain unsatisfied.
The WFTU demands the protection of the rights of all the employees in Dick Smith, their full compensation and the implementation of protective measures for all unemployed.
A strong, class-oriented and united trade union movement backed by an active workers movement is able to struggle for and demand the full rights of the working people. This is what WFTU is building in international level.


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