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The World Federation of Trade Unions on the occasion of the International Workers’ Day on 1st May 2016 conveys a militant salute to all men and women of the working class and to the 92 million members of WFTU in 126 countries.
Men and women, younger or older, employed or unemployed, migrants and refugees, the World Federation of Trade Unions wishes you strength, determination and courage in your small-scale or large-scale struggles.
The multinationals, the reactionary governments, neo-fascist and racist forces, the imperialist mechanisms dread this day. Because it is a symbol of internationalism, a symbol of struggle, a symbol of class unity. These are our most powerful tools with which we need to arm ourselves in our struggles for better lives, in our struggles against poverty and wars generated by the capitalist barbarity.

Building strong class-oriented base trade unions that are massive, democratic, militant we strengthen the WFTU.
And by strengthening the WFTU as a rooted class-oriented Organization of the base, internationalist and uniting, we strengthen our trade unions.
In all countries of the world, with all forms of action we demand our contemporary needs, our labor, social and trade union rights.
Our reality of misery, unemployment, poverty and wars in contrast to the technological and scientific progress and the wealth we produce, prove how unrealistic and rotten the capitalist mode of production is.
We rally our forces and build our social alliance with the popular strata against exploitation and capitalist barbarity.
On the occasion of May Day we once more want to send our internationalist solidarity to the peoples of Palestine, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq Afghanistan, Yemen and all peoples who are suffering imperialist attacks and fight for their right to decide for themselves over their present and future.
This year 2016, the 17th World Trade Union Congress will summon the representatives of the class-oriented trade union movement in the heroic land of South Africa. On 5-8 October 2016, thousands of delegates, real militant unionists, from all continents will gather in Durban, analyze the global and regional developments, exchange experience and proposals and resolute on the strategy and action plan of the WFTU for the next five years.
With this Congress we make a vital step forward for the international class-oriented trade union movement. “Forward! For the contemporary needs of the working class against poverty and wars generated by the capitalist barbarism”.


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Previous Next Publicado por  Redacción   en  Cultura y comunicación   30 oct 2016   No hay comentarios Comenzamos la publicación de los seis capítulos berlineses de la biografía del fotomontador y muralista valenciano, “Renau. La abrumadora responsabilidad del arte”, escrita por Fernando Bellón y publicada en 2008 por el Institut  Alfons el Magnànim de la Diputación de Valencia. Por afinidad con la noticia sobre la inminente recolocación de un mural de Renau en Erfurt, empezamos por el capítulo 18 del libro, dedicado a todos los murales que realizó y diseñó en la RDA. En los próximos cinco meses publicaremos los capítulos 14, 15, 16, 17 y 19, que revisan los años que pasó Renau en la República Democrática Alemana. Esta cuarta parte de su biografía se titula “Un ácrata en el socialismo real”, porque Renau, siendo militante comunista, nunca dejó de ser emocionalmente